Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Yup, It Happened

Well, John Piper went and done it. He invited one of the least qualified men in America to stand and teach at one of the most prestigious bible conferences in America. My own opinion of John Piper has gone down more than a few notches. Piper knew that there would be an outcry against this decision. And yet he obviously is convinced that he has a good enough reason to invite Warren to speak. It's his conference, I guess he can invite whoever he wants to. The problem is, John Piper is a leader amongst leaders, and people pay attention to what he says and does.

There are plenty of churches out there that have not succumbed to Warrens purpose driven drivel. But with this announcement, they may have a rethink of their decision, and run down the pragmatic path of purpose driven dopiness. Churches that have been spared the totally pragmatic approach to ministry will now think it to be an acceptable format for church growth and overall ministry. The preaching of the gospel is not about pragmatism. The church grows as God gives the increase. And it's tied directly to the preaching of the gospel. This is the means (preaching the gospel), that has been given to draw men to God.

I hope John Piper will consider what the unintended consequences of his invitation might mean to the greater evangelical movement in America. A movement that is already in a boatload of trouble, just got another torpedo amidships. I hope that pastors will pay close attention to what Rick Warren says while he is at the conference, and compare it to what it means to preach the gospel in a biblical manner, vs. the pragmatism that is espoused in the Purpose Driven books.

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